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Our Work

We have both active and future projects on our minds. Like most scientists, we are limited by time and funding. Here are some of the things we've been working on, and it is your support that will help bring these projects to life.

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Turning the vast fields of science into digestible and reliable information is no easy task. Each of our articles requires dozens of hours of research, cross-referencing, and editing. We're relying on you, loyal reader, to keep this active project alive and ad free.


Home Garder Economics

Some older data indicates that a home garden could produce roughly $1 per square foot of soil. What about in 2024? And what does that equate to in terms of an hourly wage? In other words, how profitable is a garden? This active project aims to find out.

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At Home Recycling

Remember the old adage: "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"? What can be done on an individual level toward recycling, ensuring that our garbage is properly cared for? 

This future project is planned in phases, starting with safely turning glass into sand. Recycling metals and plastics will be later phases.


Community Supported Agriculture

This is not an original idea. Can we create a platform for others to easily support their neighborhood gardener?

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